In the name of God

Feedli Food Rules

Thanks for choosing the Feedli Food online store, since using this site in any way means accepting the terms of the Feedli Food Rules section, please read it carefully.

Article 1) Definitions

In this section, the words used in the text of the rules are defined.

  • Store: Feedli Food Online Shop
  • Website: Feedli Food online store website at
  • Site content: includes prices, text, photos, videos and technical specifications of products or all articles and news posted on the site and blog.
  • User: Anyone who enters the Feedli Food site via the Internet is considered a user.
  • Member: A user who has become an initial or full member of the site is considered a member.
  • Customer: The user or member who buys from the site.
  • Order: The product or goods that the customer selects and announces her intention to purchase.
  • Inquiry: Sending an order from the customer to check the availability of the ordered goods and check for possible price changes.

Article 2) Demanding and accepting orders

Similar to the physical environment, in the electronic environment, any transaction that takes place indicates the occurrence of a contract. A contract under Article 183 of the Civil Code is that “one or more persons make an obligation to one or more other persons and it is accepted by them”; Accordingly, an online contract is a contract that is concluded through “message data”.

The requirement is to offer a transaction to another person so that if the offer is accepted, the contract will be concluded. Acceptance is also a declaration of consent to the means required to conclude the contract. Therefore, when the request and acceptance is done through the message data, an online contract is concluded, so when the customer finalizes his order, in fact, the contract is concluded and he is required to pay for it. Note that the mere demand does not create an obligation for the demander, and he can specify the duration of the offer or other conditions.

Due to the fact that according to the store’s work routine, the first step is to inquire about the order, the answer to the customer’s inquiry is to demand and the order to be finalized by the customer is to be accepted.

Registration of any order is a knowledge and acceptance of the rules of the site, and therefore the customer is obliged to carefully read these rules before registering any order and if he agrees with them, to register his order.

Users must be of legal age (18 years old) to purchase from the site or purchase from the site through their parents or legal guardian.

Article 3) The steps of order registration and purchase

Order registration and inquiry: Due to the fact that the inventory of store goods and prices are changing over time, in order to make a purchase, it is first necessary for customers to inquire about prices and inventory. At this stage, a 10-digit tracking code is assigned to customers and sent to them via email and SMS.

Inquiry response and finalization of the order: Normally, the inquiry response and the deadline for completing the order will be sent to the customers no later than 2 hours after the order is registered. After that, customers will have the opportunity to complete and finalize their order within the deadline. If customers do not finalize their order within the specified deadline, their order will be considered unfinished and they will no longer be able to finalize it. In these cases, if the customer requests to reactivate the order and the product is still available in the store, the customer will be given a deadline to complete it again.

Order registration without the need for membership

Dear users and customers are not required to register on the site to view, receive information and even place an order. But if you register, in addition to not having to enter your information in subsequent purchases, you can enjoy the benefits of membership in the site, including knowledge of the latest news and information and good purchase offers.

By registering this information, users and customers, while ensuring that their information is safe with the store, authorize the store to use this information to communicate.

Note: Customers should try to enter their information carefully and correctly when registering the order, otherwise they are responsible for any problems and possible losses.

Article 4) Payment methods

Customers can pay for their order online, card to card.

Article 5) Methods of sending the order

Orders are sent through the Islamic Republic of Iran Post Company, Tipax and porterage transport .

Customers can choose one of the possible shipping methods in the order registration and inquiry stage. Choosing any method means being aware of its rules and conditions.

Note: In cases where the shipment is selected by the post or porterage transport company, the store is responsible for simply delivering the order correctly and safely and in the minimum period of time to the post or porterage transport company and sending the tracking code to the customer. In these cases, according to Articles 386 and 387 of the Commercial Code, all problems caused by transporting goods are the responsibility of the transport operator and the store is not responsible for delays in delivery or possible problems, and in case of problems, the store is not responsible and pays damages. Unless the customer has chosen Feedli Food Supplementary Insurance (information on supplementary insurance is provided in the following site rules).

Article 6) Shipping cost

Dear customers, when registering an order, you can easily and without any payment be able to see the different shipping methods and costs associated with each of them. These costs are calculated mechanically by the system based on the selected delivery method, the volume and weight of the ordered goods and the distance to the destination city.

Article 7) Delivery time of orders

Orders of Bushehr province: The delivery time of goods in Bushehr province in the immediate delivery method is less than one working day.

Orders sent by post and porterage transport: Orders that are to be sent by post or freight, if finalized before 9 o’clock, will be delivered by post or freight on the same day, but if finalized after this hour Will be delivered the next business day. Depending on the destination of the goods, the postal and porterage transport company will usually deliver the goods to the destination 1 to 3 working days later.

Article 8) Important points when delivering the order

  1. Dear customers are obliged to match the specifications of the ordered goods with the delivered goods when receiving the order and before opening the package, and to refuse to deliver it in case of discrepancies.
  1. Dear customers are obliged to take delivery of their ordered goods at the time of receiving the order (appearance delivery means that the goods are checked from all aspects of appearance and if it does not have any appearance defects, be delivered)

Note that when the goods are delivered in appearance, the store will no longer be responsible for problems and defects in the appearance of the goods.

Note 1: The goods whose delivery receipt states that they should not be removed from the packaging are exempt from the above paragraph and customers should only check the health of the packaging of the goods. In these cases, the opening and commissioning of the goods should only be done by the experts of the company providing the warranty service, otherwise the device is out of warranty and the customer is responsible for possible problems.

Note 2: If the packaging of the goods has an apparent problem or defect and shows signs of damage or possible problems, the customer should refuse to receive it and while preparing the minutes, immediately inform the store to the subject.

  1. When sending goods by post or Porterage transport company, esteemed customers are required to ensure the health of the packaging and the physical health of the goods in the presence of the postman and before signing the delivery receipt, and if the goods have the packaging or physical health If there is a problem, while not delivering it and requesting the minutes, inform the store immediately. In these cases, if the customer signs a postal or Porterage transport receipt (as a receipt of the goods correctly and safely) without checking the physical health, he will no longer have the right to object to the physical health of the goods, because the customer has personally confirmed that the goods Received correctly and safely, there is no possibility of any follow-up to receive compensation by the customer. In these cases, as mentioned in Article 5 of the rules, the payment of damages is the responsibility of the postal or shipping company, and the store only tries to follow up in parallel to receive faster customer compensation. Accordingly, the store recommends the use of Feedli Food supplementary insurance, which is explained in Article 13 of the law.
  1. According to FATA police instructions, it is mandatory to present a national card according to the ordering person’s name when delivering orders paid online. If the person who ordered the goods and made the payment online, wants the goods to be delivered to another person, he must announce the name of the person receiving the goods to the store through a panel, email or SMS, otherwise the goods store Do not deliver and in these cases the cost of resending will be borne by the customer.
  1. According to the rules of the store, in orders whose payment is specified on the spot, before delivery of the goods, it is first necessary to settle the invoice amount and then the goods are delivered. After settling the invoice, the customer will have the opportunity in the presence of the store representative to check their goods in terms of physical health and then sign the physical delivery receipt.
  1. Due to issues and problems that have occurred and in coordination with the FATA police and law enforcement, the delivery of all orders will be at the entrance of the building.

Article 9) Conditions for launching and using the purchased goods

Purchased goods are divided into 2 categories in terms of the possibility of launching and use:

  1. Goods that only need to be installed by the after-sales service provider.

In these cases, under no circumstances should the customer personally install, operate and use the product or device, in which case the product or device warranty will be void and the customer will be responsible for it.

In these cases, the customer should contact the after-sales service of the relevant company and request the installation and commissioning of the goods.

  1. Goods that can be set up and used by the customer and do not need to contact after-sales service for installation.

Which of the above items your product includes is stated in the delivery receipt of your product.

Article 10) Providing telephone information by experts

The experts of Feedli Food Store will always answer the questions of the esteemed customers within the framework of the information posted on the site, and since the experts of the store do not and will not provide information beyond the information listed on the site, any claim made by the esteemed customers The basis of verbal (telephone) information received from store experts lacks any legal validity.

Therefore, esteemed customers are requested to make their purchase only based on the information posted on the store site, and in case of any ambiguity, before purchasing from the main sources, such as after-sales service companies, resolve their ambiguities. To.

Article 11) Possibility of error in site prices

The store always tries to enter the prices of the goods correctly and with the least error on the site. But since these prices are entered into the site by experts and operators, there will always be the possibility of human error in entering information. Therefore, in case these prices are entered in the site by mistake, it will not create any obligation for the store to sell the goods at the wrong price.

In these cases, even if the goods are invoiced and sent to the customer based on the wrong price, the customer is obliged to return the goods if he has not taken them out of the package, or we will deposit the difference, and if the goods If it is out of the package, it is obligatory for us to deposit the difference to the store account. By accepting the rules of the site, the customer deprives himself of the right of any objection in these cases.

Note: The criterion for inserting the wrong price on the site is the difference of more than 10% of the site price and the customary market price.

Article 12) The possibility of sending the wrong goods

The store always tries to send exactly the goods ordered by the customer; However, due to the high volume of orders and the possibility of systemic or human error, in rare cases, the wrong goods may be sent to the customer. In these cases, as explicitly stated in paragraph 1 of Article 8, customers are required to match the specifications of the ordered goods with the delivered goods when receiving the order and before opening the package, and to refuse to receive it in case of discrepancies. . Now, if the customer has delivered the goods without checking and taken them out of the original packaging and seal, if the price of the delivered goods is higher than the ordered goods, he is obliged to take into account the difference within 48 hours after notification. The store will deposit, otherwise the store will have the right to follow up through the competent judicial authorities, and in this case, all damages, court costs and proxy fees will be borne by the customer. However, if the goods received by the customer are cheaper than the goods ordered, the store is obliged to deposit the difference to the customer’s account within 48 hours after notification, in these cases because the goods are from the original packaging and seal. Has been removed, there is no possibility of return.

Article 13) Feedli Food after-sales service

10 days purchase warranty

Feedli Food online store guarantees all purchases made up to 10 days, ensuring its performance and to ensure maximum satisfaction of esteemed customers, this 10-day warranty includes all items related to the purchase:

Price guarantee: We guarantee that the purchased product has been purchased at the best possible price.

Guarantee of authenticity: We guarantee the purchased product, the original product, the company and has the original warranty.

Discrepancy Guarantee: We guarantee that the purchased product will not have any discrepancy with the product seen on the Feedli Food online store website.

Return guarantee: We guarantee that if the customer cancels they purchase, they will have 10 days to return the goods.

To be aware of the terms of use of the above guarantees, please read the following explanations carefully:

  • Price guarantee

Feedli Food Store has always stated one of its advantages over other online stores and stores in the city to offer competitive prices, so the store with a guarantee of pricing its products and to create double customer satisfaction, 10 days price guarantee For the purchased goods, according to which, if the customer announces that another reputable store will offer the goods at a lower price within 10 days after the purchase, immediately after it is confirmed (in less than 2 hours), the difference will be paid. Will be credited to their account.

It should be noted that the duration of this price guarantee for goods whose price is subject to market fluctuations is up to 24 hours.

Note: The price guarantee does not include price changes or good purchase of the Feedli Food store itself, special sales, discounts and any special festival that other reputable stores consider for specific periods and for a certain period of time.

Note: Price guarantee is not applicable to stores whose supply is limited and in some way quotas, for example, stores that make the sale of goods conditional on the return of cartons or installation at the time of purchase. They do not include a price guarantee. This guarantee only includes reputable stores from which the desired product can be purchased without imposing conditions or restrictions on individuals and legal entities.

Terms of use 10 days price guarantee:

  1. One of the main conditions for using the price guarantee is that the product is exactly the same as the product purchased from Feedli Food Store in terms of model, color, size, warranty, country of manufacture and other technical specifications.
  2. Other necessary conditions for using this guarantee are the availability of goods on the site or store and providing a pre-invoice to the date of the day.
  3. Other necessary conditions for using this guarantee are the availability of goods on the site or store and providing a pre-invoice to the date of the day.
  4. Do not abuse this plan in immoral and unprofessional ways
  • Guarantee of authenticity

Dear customers of Feedli Food online store, 10 days will have the opportunity to check the authenticity of the product and its warranty from the main companies and its after-sales service. If there is any problem in the authenticity of the product or its warranty, customers can easily return the purchased product.

To ensure the authenticity of the purchased product, pay attention to the following points:

  1. Goods purchased from Feedli Food have the original warranty card or label, and the main warranties related to each brand are listed on the website of the same brand or specialized unions.
  2. If the product or its guarantee is not original, the company providing after-sales service will not install and guarantee the product under any circumstances, so the installation of the product by the company confirms the authenticity of the product and its guarantee.
  3. Another way to determine the authenticity of a product is to inquire from the company that produces or imports it or through specialized unions related to each product, by referring the product to them, you can ensure the authenticity of the purchased product.
  4. Feedli Food Online Store is a reputable brand, unlike stores in the city. A reputable brand does not, under any circumstances, question the credibility of its brand for partial gain because of the value it places on its brand, while city-level stores lack a well-known brand and name and may be today. Do not be another.
  • Contradiction guarantee

If the product delivered to the customer is different from the ordered product, customers will have 10 days to exchange or return it. The first step is to notify the store in writing in writing within 10 days. In these cases, if the product desired by the customer is not available in the store, at the customer’s choice, the product will be replaced with another similar product or, if desired, the payment will be refunded.

Terms of use 10 days warranty discrepancy:

  1. Dear customers are obliged to match the specifications of the product with the ordered product when delivering the goods and before opening the package, and if there is a discrepancy, do not take it and return it.

Accordingly, the goods that are sent by post or porterage transport, must be matched with the ordered goods in terms of specifications before delivery and signing the receipt, and in case of discrepancies, they will be returned to the store immediately if not delivered.

  1. Dear customers, if it is possible to check the compatibility of the ordered goods and the delivered goods from the packaging, before opening the package, first match the specifications of the product and then take the product out of the package. Therefore, if the product has been removed from the original packaging without compliance, even in case of discrepancy, it will no longer be possible to replace or return it.
  2. Cartons and packaging of goods must be completely healthy and without tearing or damage. Labeling or writing the description, address or any other item on the original carton or box will not make it possible to use this guarantee.
  3. Considering that the photos of the products are only for informing and helping the customer to buy and may differ from the original photo in some details, it is not possible to declare a discrepancy based on it. Therefore, the criterion of discrepancy for esteemed customers is the technical specifications posted on the site.
  • Return guarantee

If Feedli Food customers cancel their purchase for any reason, they will have up to 10 days to return the purchased item.

Necessary conditions for using the 10 day possibility of returning the goods

  1. The purchased product should not be taken out of the original packaging and seal and this should be approved by the store experts.
  2. The carton and packaging of the goods must be completely healthy and without tearing or damage. Labeling or writing the description, address or any other item on the original carton or box will not make it possible to use this guarantee.
  3. According to Article 37 of the Electronic Commerce Law, the possibility of returning the goods includes only the consumers and the consumer according to paragraph (sa) of Article 2 of this law is a person who acts for a purpose other than business or professional occupation; Accordingly, shoppers who buy from the store for business or professional purposes are not considered consumers and can not use the return condition.
  4. In cases where the return of goods is to be done by post or freight, the goods must be “insured” and this case must be stated in the postal receipt or receipt. In addition, the goods must be closed in some way (with carton or bubble plastic) Be packed so that the product itself or its packaging is not technically or visually damaged during shipment. Because if the product or its packaging is damaged, damaged or has any appearance during shipping (including installing a label or writing any text), it will not be possible to return it and in this regard, the store will not be responsible.

Note 1: In these circumstances, the goods will be credited to the customer’s account within 48 working hours after the approval of the store experts.

Note 2: In these cases, the cost of sending and returning the goods (return cost) is the responsibility of the customer.

Note 3: The possibility of returning goods whose price is subject to market fluctuations, up to 24 hours after completing the order.

Article 14) Feedli Food Supplementary Insurance

As explained in the “Shipping Methods” section, when esteemed customers choose the method of sending mail or shipping, the store has no liability for problems and damages caused by the above collections.

Now, considering that experience has shown that postal companies, especially freight companies, are usually not liable in case of damage, the store to ensure its buyers from compensation and not to be involved in the work processes of the relevant companies, the possibility of supplementary insurance Has provided for customers.

Accordingly, customers who choose the option of supplementary insurance in the event of any accident, only with the store is the party to the account and the store will solve the problem directly in a minimum period of time.

Of course, it should be noted that even the use of supplementary insurance to compensate for damages depends only on the fact that before receiving the goods, our valued customers check its accuracy and health, and if the goods or packaging have problems, check it. Have not been delivered and have not signed the receipt based on receiving the goods correctly and safely; In these cases, it is necessary for the customers to inform the store about the problem immediately after being informed of the problem.

Article 15) Ways of communication between members and customers with the store and vice versa

Ways of communication between members and customers with the store or vice versa include email and SMS. All items that are announced via email or SMS are considered as official statements of each party, the email of the store is and its SMS number is ****, email and SMS number (mobile number) of the customer Also in accordance with the information provided when registering on the site or placing an order.

Article 16) Corporate sales festivals

The store will do its best to update the information of various festivals related to the brands on the site immediately after being notified on its site, however, due to the lack of notification of the brand companies from the beginning and end of the festivals, The store will not be responsible for the festivals, therefore, esteemed customers are obliged to make sure that the festivals are valid by purchasing from the store by contacting the company that owns the relevant brand.

It should be noted that according to the rules of branded companies, they are allowed to close the festivals without any prior notice, thus reiterating that the store has no obligation to guarantee discounts or festival gifts for customers. It is not respectable.

Article 17) Possibility of discussion and exchange of views on the site

  1. The site provides the opportunity to discuss and exchange views with other users, submit comments, suggestions and questions. In this regard, users are obliged to refrain from posting any content that is contrary to legal and moral principles, defamatory, threatening the privacy of individuals or intellectual property rights and any other inappropriate content, otherwise all responsibility and legal consequences will be borne by them.
  2. The store has full discretion in publishing or not publishing users’ comments.
  3. If the user does not pay enough attention to the observance and rules of the store in posting comments, the store is allowed to prevent the user from re-accessing the site and, if necessary, to prosecute them.

Article 18) Site content

  1. The store makes every effort to enter the correct information (including price, technical information, photos of goods and articles), however, does not guarantee the accuracy of all content and the flawless content of its information.
  2. In order to increase awareness and inform the users of the site, the store has provided the necessary content. This information is prepared by the specialized group of the site and from reliable sources and carefully in their validity and is continuously reviewed for accuracy and up-to-dateness. Feedli Food, however, does not accept any responsibility for the content of this material, its unintentional errors and spelling errors.
  3. The store allows itself to change the content and information of the site and products at any time.
  4. If users submit content to the site, the store will have the right to decide and act on its use, change, correction and publication or not. However, the responsibility for the accuracy of the content lies entirely with the sender.

Article 19) Store advertisements

  1. Advertising of the store is done within the framework of all laws and regulations of the Islamic Republic of Iran, especially Article 2 of the Executive Regulations of Article 7 of the Consumer Protection Law and Articles 50 to 55 of the Electronic Commerce Law. All customers are allowed to communicate with the store via SMS, email and paper shipping to be informed of the latest news and information of the store, as well as to be aware of discounts and promotions.
  2. The content store examines the sites that intend to advertise on the site in terms of inconsistencies with the principles and laws of the country, but does not check the accuracy of their content and services, and therefore has no responsibility for the content and services provided in These sites do not have.

Article 20) Responsibilities and obligations of users and customers to use the site

  1. Any unconventional, unauthorized or illegal use of the site by users that results in damage, breakdown, loss or alteration of information, disclosure of users’ personal information and other possible damages will result in legal action.
  2. Users are responsible for the protection of their personal user information and are responsible for the exchange of any information that occurs through their user ID and password.
  3. The store will not be responsible for the disclosure of user information due to malfunction or virus of them computer system.

Article 21) Using the name, photo or logo and customers’ shopping experience

The use of name, photo or logo and customers ‘shopping experience, in order to introduce and share customers’ experiences in buying from the store with their consent and within the framework of laws and regulations of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Article 22) Material and intellectual property rights

All content on the site is the property of the store only and any copying and personal or commercial use of it without obtaining written permission from the unauthorized store will result in legal action.

Article 23) Authorities of the store

  1. The store always considers itself authorized to make any changes to the site, including technical and appearance changes, changes in services and how it is provided, changes in the content and information of the site, changes in policies, rights and laws.
  2. The store has the right at any time to stop providing services to customers and communicating with them in accordance with its interests and to change or delete all its content or services.

Feedli Food site has no other official reference except the address If the site wants to communicate with its customers in other ways, it will definitely inform it officially, so it will not be responsible for the losses caused by customers’ contact with any unauthorized means of communication that have used the name Feedli Food.

Article 24) Special cases

Given that the above rules are the general rules of the store and may not apply to certain goods in special cases, the explanations on the invoice and delivery receipt, which is signed by the customer, will be the criterion in these cases.

The rules of the store consist of 24 articles and 5 notes, and the customer, with knowledge and awareness of all the rules, registers the order and purchase, and therefore any claim about not knowing the rules has no legal validity and the store is responsible for them. does not have.